DeepGrowth: A Deep Learning Model for Vestibular Schwannoma Growth Prediction
Vestibular schwannoma growth prediction from longitudinal MRI by time-conditioned neural fields -
A visual place recognition dataset for embodied agents. -
A visual place recognition dataset for embodied agents. -
Gibson Env
A visual place recognition dataset for embodied agents. -
RoboHop: Segment-based Topological Map Representation for Open-World Visual N...
A topological map representation of an environment based on image segments, which are semantically meaningful and open-vocabulary queryable. -
Exchange-Rate dataset
The Exchange-Rate dataset contains daily exchange rates from 8 countries. -
Airfoil dataset
The Airfoil dataset contains aerodynamic and acoustic test results for airfoil blade sections in a wind tunnel. -
NO2 emissions dataset
The NO2 emissions dataset contains traffic and meteorological information around roads and is used to predict NO2 concentration. -
Spectrum dataset
The Spectrum dataset is a synthetic dataset containing spectrum data generated by applying light waves on 4-layer 3D semiconductors and measuring the returning wavelengths. -
METR-LA dataset
The METR-LA dataset contains speed profiles, given in miles per hour (mph), of 207 sensor locations collected from the loop detector on the highways of Los Angeles County. -
NTIRE2019 Real Image Denoising Challenge - Track 2:sRGB
The dataset used for training and validation in the NTIRE2019 Real Image Denoising Challenge - Track 2:sRGB. -
Real-world image denoising dataset (SIDD) and Darmstadt noise dataset (DND) are used for training and validation. -
The dataset used in the paper for video editing tasks -
Logistic Regression
The dataset used in this paper is a logistic regression problem with 20,000 training examples and 10,000 testing examples.