Object Manipulation Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a simulated object manipulation domain where the robot is tasked with moving all objects from one table to another. -
Habitat-Matterport3D Research Dataset
The Habitat-Matterport3D Research Dataset is used as a test environment. -
Habitat-Sim and Habitat-Matterport3D Research Dataset
The Habitat-Sim and the Habitat-Matterport3D Research Dataset are used as training and deployment (test) environments. -
Autonomous Reinforcement Learning of Multiple Interrelated Tasks
The dataset used in the paper is a simulated robotic scenario involving multiple interrelated tasks. -
Scripted pick and place policy
Scripted pick and place policy -
Scripted grasping policy
Scripted grasping policy -
Task-specific data
Task-specific data -
Prior dataTask data
Prior dataTask data -
Columbia Grasp Database
A database of grasp synthesis algorithms. -
Supersizing Self-supervision: Learning to Grasp
A large-scale experimental study that increases the amount of data for learning to grasp, providing complete labeling in terms of whether an object can be grasped at a... -
A dataset containing robot trajectories modified by language commands, used for training a multi-modal attention transformer model. -
Cassie Dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a closed-loop system of a bipedal robot Cassie controlled by a model-free reinforcement learning (RL) policy. -
Multi-goal Reach Task Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a multi-goal reach task dataset, where the robot arm needs to reach a target pose with varying precision requirements. -
Fetch Push, Cleanup, Pyramid Stack, and Complex Hook Tasks
A dataset of demonstration trajectories collected by running the robot in the environment for skill extraction. -
Fetch Manipulation Tasks
A dataset of demonstration trajectories collected by running the robot in the environment for skill extraction. -
The dataset used in the paper is the CoppeliaSim simulator. -
Minigrid environment
The dataset used in the paper is the Minigrid environment, which is a 3D grid world with a goal at the bottom-right corner. The agent learns to navigate to the goal using human...