Random Actions Dataset
The dataset used for training the forward dynamics model, containing random actions from various states. -
Painting Task Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of demonstrations of a painting task, where a human user and a KUKA robot collaborate to paint a wooden board. -
Robotcar Dataset
The dataset used for training and evaluation of the proposed framework for unsupervised metric relocalization. -
Guard: A safe reinforcement learning benchmark
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of robot locomotion tasks with various constraints. -
Rocket Landing Control with Grid Fins and Path-following using MPC
The dataset used in the paper is a set of rocket landing control data with grid fins and path-following using MPC. -
Data set and reference models of EMPS
The Electro-Mechanical Positioning System (EMPS) benchmark. -
The dataset used for learning transferable policies for monocular reactive MAV control in cluttered natural environments. -
Pretrained Visual Representations in Reinforcement Learning
Visual reinforcement learning (RL) has made significant progress in recent years, but the choice of visual feature extractor remains a crucial design decision. -
Spot - the agile mobile robot
Spot - the agile mobile robot -
COLD database
This paper presents a dataset for vision-based mobile robot localization. -
3-D Quadrotor Dynamics and State Space Modelling
The dataset used in this paper is a 3-D quadrotor dynamics and state space modelling. -
Raspberry Pi Tabanlı Akıllı Robot Kol Kontrol Sistemi
3D modelleme programları ile tasarlanan robotik kol sistemi, Raspberry Pi ve USB kamera kullanılarak bilgisayar görme uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiştir. -
The HandManipulateBlock environment from OpenAI gym robotics suite -
FetchPickAndPlace and HandManipulateBlock
The FetchPickAndPlace and HandManipulateBlock environments from OpenAI gym robotics suite -
FetchPush, FetchPickAndPlace and HandManipulateBlock
The FetchPush, FetchPickAndPlace and HandManipulateBlock environments from OpenAI gym robotics suite -
Drawer Opening and Grasping Dataset
The dataset used in the paper describes the behavior of a robotic system that opens a drawer and grasps tennis balls from it. The dataset includes the sensor data and controller... -
iCubWorld dataset
The iCubWorld dataset is a benchmark for object recognition in robotics. It consists of 150 objects evenly divided into 15 categories with their appearance changing due to... -
ContactGrasp: Functional Multi-finger Grasp Synthesis from Contact
ContactGrasp synthesizes functional grasps for diverse hand models using object shape and contact on the object surface. -
MuJoCo environments
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that the authors used MuJoCo environments from the OpenAI gym.