52 datasets found

Tags: 3D Object Detection

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  • VoxelNet

    The VoxelNet dataset is a large-scale dataset for 3D object detection, consisting of 3D point clouds and corresponding annotations.
  • Multi-View 3D Object Detection Network

    The Multi-View 3D Object Detection Network is a dataset for 3D object detection, consisting of 3D point clouds and corresponding annotations.
  • KITTI Benchmark Suite

    The KITTI benchmark suite is a large-scale dataset for 3D object detection, consisting of 7,481 training samples and 7,518 test samples.
  • ONECE Dataset

    A dataset for 3D object detection from LiDAR point clouds, containing 5,000 training frames and 3,000 validation frames.
  • KITTI 3D Object Benchmark

    A dataset for 3D object detection from LiDAR point clouds, containing 7,481 labeled samples and 3,712 training samples and 3,769 validation samples.
  • ProposalContrast: Unsupervised Pre-training for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection

    A proposal-level point cloud SSL framework for 3D object detection, learning robust 3D representations by contrasting region proposals.

    RGB-D scene recognition approaches often train two standalone backbones for RGB and depth modalities with the same Places or ImageNet pre-training. However, the pre-trained...
  • S3DIS

    The dataset used in the paper is a real-world 3D point cloud dataset, which is used for 3D shape classification, part segmentation, and shape retrieval tasks.
  • KITTI dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is the KITTI dataset, which is a benchmark for monocular depth estimation. The dataset consists of a large collection of images and corresponding...
  • Pillar-based 3D Object Detection

    Point cloud (PC) is a collection of points in 3D space, represented as P = {pk} = {(ck, rk)}, where ck = (xk, yk, zk) denotes the 3D coordinate of the k’th point, and rk is its...
  • SPADE: Sparse Pillar-based 3D Object Detection

    3D object detection using point cloud (PC) data is essential for perception pipelines of autonomous driving, where efficient encoding is key to meeting stringent resource and...
  • KITTI 2015

    The KITTI 2015 dataset is a real-world dataset of street views, containing 200 training stereo image pairs with sparsely labeled disparity from LiDAR data.
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