Risk Bounded Nonlinear Robot Motion Planning With Integrated Perception & Con...
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of nonlinear robot motion planning problems with integrated perception and control. -
Product MDP
The dataset used in this paper is a product MDP constructed from an LTL formula and an LDBA. -
Branch Model Predictive Control (MPC) for Interactive Motion Planning
Motion planning for autonomous robots and vehicles in presence of uncontrolled agents remains a challenging problem as the reactive behaviors of the uncontrolled agents must be... -
Motion planning for parabolic equations using flatness and finite-difference a...
The dataset is used for motion planning for parabolic equations using flatness and finite-difference approximations. -
NuPlan: A Closed-Loop ML-Based Planning Benchmark for Autonomous Vehicles
The NuPlan dataset is a closed-loop motion planning benchmark for autonomous vehicles. -
Vehicle Models and Obstacle Avoidance Formulations
The dataset used in this paper is a set of vehicle models and obstacle avoidance formulations. -
Object Rearrangement Using Learned Implicit Collision Functions
A learned collision checking model that dramatically increases collision checking speeds between point clouds for motion planning in real-world rearrangement tasks. -
End-to-End Motion Planning of Quadrotors Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
The proposed method uses raw depth images obtained from a front-facing camera and directly generates local motion plans in the form of smooth motion primitives that move a... -
Firm: Feedback controller-based information-state roadmap
Firm is a framework for motion planning under uncertainty that uses feedback controllers to achieve robustness. -
Adaptive Discretization using Voronoi Trees for Continuous-Action POMDPs
ADVT is an anytime online solver for POMDPs that scales well to POMDPs with high-dimensional continuous action spaces. -
Pholus Robot Configurations
The dataset used for the experiments in the paper is a collection of robot configurations for the Pholus robot. -
Constraint Satisfying Robot Configurations
The dataset used for the experiments in the paper is a collection of constraint-satisfying robot configurations. -
Autoencoder Trajectory Primitive (ATP)
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of demonstrated trajectories for a robotic system. -
DeepSMP Training and Testing Dataset
A dataset of 100 workspaces for training and 10 workspaces for testing, with 200 unseen start and goal configurations in each workspace. -
DeepSMP Dataset
A dataset of 110 different workspaces for motion planning, including simple 2D (s2D), complex 2D (c2D), complex 3D (c3D), and rigid-body (rigid) environments. -
Two-Player Highway Game
A structured VAE for generative Bayesian inverse games. The dataset is used to train the VAE and to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. -
Two-Player Intersection Game
A structured VAE for generative Bayesian inverse games. The dataset is used to train the VAE and to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. -
Motion Planning Diffusion Model
The dataset used in the paper is a set of images and videos of objects moving in different environments, used for training and testing the Motion Planning Diffusion model. -
EDMP dataset
The EDMP dataset is not explicitly mentioned in the paper, but it is used as a benchmark for the proposed EDMP algorithm.