NVRadarNet: Real-Time Radar Obstacle and Free Space Detection for Autonomous Driving -
Waymo Open
The Waymo Open dataset is a large-scale video dataset used for testing object-centric video models. -
KITTI Dataset for Autonomous Driving
The KITTI dataset is a large-scale dataset for autonomous driving, consisting of 15,000 images with annotated objects. -
Automotive Radar Dataset
The Automotive Radar Dataset is a dataset containing data collected from a scanning Navtech radar in various weather conditions. -
RADIATE: A Radar Dataset for Automotive Perception in Bad Weather
RADIATE is a radar dataset for automotive perception in bad weather, including 3 hours of annotated radar images with over 200K labelled road actors. -
Argoverse: 3D tracking and forecasting with rich maps
The Argoverse dataset includes 65 training and 24 validation sequences recorded in Miami and Pittsburgh. -
BDD100K Dataset
BDD100K Dataset is a large-scale dataset for autonomous driving, containing 100,000 images, with 20,000 images for training and 80,000 images for testing. -
KITTI Object Detection Benchmark
The KITTI Object Detection Benchmark consists of 7,481 training images and 7,518 testing images, with 3D LiDAR point clouds and camera images. -
Stanford Drone Dataset
The Stanford Drone Dataset is a well-established benchmark for human trajectory prediction in bird’s eye view. The dataset consists of 20 scenes captured using a drone in... -
KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite
The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite is a dataset used for object detection and tracking in autonomous vehicles. -
KITTI dataset
The dataset used in the paper is the KITTI dataset, which is a benchmark for monocular depth estimation. The dataset consists of a large collection of images and corresponding...