40 datasets found

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  • UCI dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is a temporal graph dataset, which is a directed graph that describes the online message communications among student users on an online platform...
  • Workplace dataset

    The Workplace dataset is a dataset of face-to-face contacts between employees in a workplace.
  • High School contact network dataset

    The High School contact network dataset is a dataset of contacts between students in a French preparatory class High School in Marseille.
  • Reality Mining Dataset

    The Reality Mining Dataset is a dataset of face-to-face contacts between participants of an experiment ran by members of MIT media Lab.
  • Citation Graph Dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is a citation graph dataset, which is used for node classification and link prediction tasks.
  • LastFM

    The dataset used in the paper is a collection of explicit interactions gathered from various sources, including music websites, movie ratings, book clubs, social networks, and...
  • REDDIT-BINARY dataset

    The REDDIT-BINARY dataset contains 2,000 graphs labeled as question/answer-based or discussion-based community in the content-aggregation website Reddit.
  • WebKB: A Large-Scale Social Network Dataset

    The WebKB dataset is a collection of web pages from the University of Washington's Knowledge Base, with each page annotated with a set of labels.
  • Flickr-Myspace

    The dataset used in the paper for anchor link prediction, constructed by combining source and target networks.
  • Flickr-Lastfm

    The dataset used in the paper for anchor link prediction, constructed by combining source and target networks.
  • Douban Online-offline

    The dataset used in the paper for anchor link prediction, constructed by combining source and target networks.
  • BlogCatalog

    The BlogCatalog dataset is a blog directory that manages bloggers and their blogs. Each unit is a blogger and the features are bag-of-words representations of keywords in...
  • Pokec dataset

    The Pokec dataset is a social network dataset.
  • Cora, CiteSeer, PubMed

    Real-world datasets used for empirical studies, including Cora, CiteSeer, and PubMed.
  • Facebook dataset

    The Facebook dataset is a social network dataset. The nodes represent users of Facebook and the edges represent the fan following relation. The feature of each node is the...
  • Wiki

    A bipartite interaction graph that contains the edits on Wikipedia pages over a month.
  • ogbn-arxiv

    The ogbn-arxiv dataset is a citation network dataset, which is a directed graph, denoting the citation network between all Computer Science (CS) arXiv papers extracted from the...
  • A survey on influence maximization in a social network

    The dataset used in the paper is a real-world dataset for influence maximization, which is a combinatorial optimization problem.
  • Deep Graph Representation Learning and Optimization for Influence Maximization

    The dataset used in the paper is a real-world dataset for influence maximization, which is a combinatorial optimization problem.
  • CORA

    The dataset used in this paper is the CORA citation network, a directed graph with 19,793 vertices and 27,225 edges.