MSCOCO: A Large-Scale Object Detection Benchmark
The MSCOCO dataset is a large-scale object detection dataset. -
THINGS: A database of 1,854 object concepts and more than 26,000 naturalistic...
The THINGS dataset is a large-scale object concept dataset. -
MNIST and notMNIST datasets
The MNIST dataset is used for in-distribution confusing examples and notMNIST dataset is used for out-of-distribution data. -
The CAMELYON-16 dataset is a public dataset for whole slide image analysis, containing 16,000 whole slide images of breast cancer histopathology slides. -
Line drawings from 3D models
A dataset of line drawings from 3D models, created using a generative model that approximates realistic images. -
Shadow Hand Dataset
A dataset of 1140 grasp trajectories for a robotic hand interacting with a turntable. -
MPL Hand Dataset
A dataset of 132 sensor readings over 100 steps into the future for a robotic hand interacting with an unknown and uncertain external world. -
SVIRO: Synthetic Vehicle Interior Rear Seat Occupancy
A synthetic dataset for sceneries in the passenger compartment of ten different vehicles, to analyze machine learning-based approaches for their generalization capacities and... -
A dataset of 36 participants with paired pressure and image data, used to train a deep model to infer hand pressure from a single RGB image. -
Perspective Transformer Nets
The dataset used in this paper for 3D mesh reconstruction from a single image. -
Unit Sphere
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of data points from the unit sphere. -
CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and TinyImageNet
The dataset used in the paper is CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and TinyImageNet. -
Dataset bias is a significant problem in training fair classifiers. When attributes unrelated to classification exhibit strong biases towards certain classes, classifiers... -
Language-assisted Vision Model Debugger
Vision models with high overall accuracy often exhibit systematic errors on some important subsets of data, posing potential serious safety concerns. Diagnosing such bugs of... -
Diff2Scene uses ScanNet, Matterport3D, ScanNet200 and Replica for open-vocabulary 3D semantic segmentation and visual grounding tasks.