CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 are standard vision datasets with 50,000 training images across 10 and 100 classes, respectively. -
MIT-67, CUB-2011, Caltech-101, DTD
MIT-67 is a dataset of 67 indoor scenes, CUB-2011 is a dataset of 200 bird species, Caltech-101 is a dataset of 101 objects, and DTD is a dataset of 47 textures. -
Visual Recognition Tasks
The dataset used in the paper is a set of visual recognition tasks, spanning both the data-abundant and data-limited regimes. -
FSCNN: A Fast Sparse Convolution Neural Network Inference System
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has demonstrated its success in plentiful computer vision application, but typically accompanies high computation cost and numerous redundant... -
Automatic detection and diagnosis of sacroiliitis in CT scans as incidental f...
A new automatic algorithm for the diagnosis and grading of sacroiliitis in CT scans as incidental findings, for patients who underwent lower back or abdomen CT scanning as part... -
Comics, Paintings, and ChestX
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that the authors used the CLIP model and the Comics, Paintings, and ChestX datasets. -
Transformer-Based Attention Networks for Continuous Pixel-Wise Prediction
The proposed TransDepth framework for pixel-wise prediction problems involving continuous labels. -
The InterHand2.6M dataset contains 366K training samples, 110K validation samples, and 261K test samples. It is the only interacting two-hand dataset with dense shape annotations. -
CelebA: A Large-Scale Dataset and Network for Face Attribute Estimation
CelebA: A Large-Scale Dataset and Network for Face Attribute Estimation -
Deep learning face attributes in the wild
Deep learning face attributes in the wild -
Seeing 3D chairs: exemplar part-based 2D-3D alignment using a large dataset o...
Seeing 3D chairs: exemplar part-based 2D-3D alignment using a large dataset of CAD models -
Table Tennis Stroke Detection and Recognition Using Ball Trajectory Data
Table tennis stroke detection and recognition using ball trajectory data -
KITTI odometry dataset
The KITTI odometry dataset is a benchmark for evaluating visual odometry and other computer vision tasks. It contains a large collection of images and corresponding ground-truth... -
Semantic Object Classes in Video
A dataset for semantic object classes in video. -
CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and Tiny-ImageNet-200
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of clean and adversarial examples for deep neural networks. -
A synthetic dataset of shoes for training and testing the proposed method. -
A unified object-centric implicit representation that can be used for RGB and depth novel view rendering, 3D reconstruction, and proposing stable grasps. -
LUNA dataset
The LUNA dataset is a public benchmark widely used for direct comparison between various methods proposed in the literature.