KITTI-360 dataset
The KITTI-360 dataset is an extension of the KITTI dataset, containing 10 new sequences recorded in 2013, with a focus on 360-degree views. -
Argoverse: 3D tracking and forecasting with rich maps
The Argoverse dataset includes 65 training and 24 validation sequences recorded in Miami and Pittsburgh. -
FLIR ADAS 1 3 dataset
The FLIR ADAS 1 3 dataset contains 10,228 real infrared photos collected in streets and highways of Santa Barbara, USA. -
Infrared Adversarial Car Stickers
Infrared physical adversarial examples are of great significance for studying the security of infrared AI systems that are widely used in our lives such as autonomous driving.... -
CARLA Simulator
The CARLA simulator dataset is used for vehicle trajectory control. It contains a test track at ZF Friedrichshafen AG, where the start position is indicated by an arrow and the... -
Argoverse 1 Motion Forecasting
Argoverse 1 Motion Forecasting is a dataset that allows us to train a model on a vast collection of 323, 557 scenarios of 5 seconds each. Each scenario is a 2D bird-eye-view of... -
On-Ramp Merge Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a simulated on-ramp merge scenario, with 3 vehicles involved. The dataset is used to train a Deep Reinforcement Learning model to learn an... -
Topological relations between ego vehicle and surrounding vehicles
The dataset used in the paper is a set of topological relations between the ego vehicle and surrounding vehicles in the simulation environment. -
Ego state and surrounding vehicle state variables
The dataset used in the paper is a set of state variables for the ego vehicle and surrounding vehicles in the simulation environment. -
Lidar panoptic segmentation for autonomous driving
Lidar panoptic segmentation for autonomous driving -
The rounD dataset
The rounD dataset contains trajectories from various locations in Germany captured at a frequency of 25 Hz. -
The highD dataset
A drone dataset of naturalistic vehicle trajectories on German highways for validation of highly automated driving systems. -
Qcraft dataset
The Qcraft dataset is a dataset for autonomous driving tasks. -
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of reward functions for autonomous driving, which are designed to evaluate the performance of reinforcement learning agents. -
Uncertainty-Aware Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Application to Auto...
The proposed uncertainty-aware model-based reinforcement learning framework is applied to end-to-end autonomous driving tasks. -
A new performance measure and evaluation benchmark for road detection algorithms. -
Waymo Open Motion Dataset (WOMD)
The WOMD dataset is a large-scale interactive motion forecasting dataset for autonomous driving, which includes 2 million agents and 6 motion trajectories for 8 seconds in the... -
DIPLECS dataset and Comma.ai dataset
The DIPLECS dataset contains indoor and outdoor driving scenarios, and the Comma.ai dataset contains highway driving scenarios. -
RoadMap: A Light-Weight Semantic Map for Visual Localization
A light-weight semantic map for visual localization in autonomous driving tasks.