BDD100K Dataset
BDD100K Dataset is a large-scale dataset for autonomous driving, containing 100,000 images, with 20,000 images for training and 80,000 images for testing. -
Waymo Open Dataset and Waymo Open Motion Dataset
The Waymo Open Dataset and the Waymo Open Motion Dataset are used in this paper. -
KITTI Object Detection Benchmark
The KITTI Object Detection Benchmark consists of 7,481 training images and 7,518 testing images, with 3D LiDAR point clouds and camera images. -
Fishyscapes: A benchmark for safe semantic segmentation in autonomous driving with annotations for pedestrian and vehicle detection. -
MUAD: Multiple Uncertainties for Autonomous Driving
MUAD: A synthetic dataset for autonomous driving with multiple uncertainties and annotations for semantic segmentation, depth estimation, object detection, and instance... -
Real-world Vehicle Point Cloud
The dataset used in this paper is a real-world vehicle point cloud collected from a real vehicle self-driving process. -
Argoverse2 is an open-source evolution of the original Argoverse -
Openlane and Argoverse2
Openlane and Argoverse2 are public datasets used in autonomous driving -
Stanford Drone Dataset
The Stanford Drone Dataset is a well-established benchmark for human trajectory prediction in bird’s eye view. The dataset consists of 20 scenes captured using a drone in... -
Waymo Open Dataset (validation set)
Waymo Open Dataset (validation set) -
Safety-Critical Scenarios for Autonomous Driving
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of safety-critical scenarios for autonomous driving, generated using rare-event simulation techniques. -
KITTI Benchmark
A benchmark for stereo matching and depth estimation. -
VH-HFCN based Parking Slot and Lane Markings Segmentation on Panoramic Surrou...
A public PSV dataset for parking slot and lane markings segmentation -
Evaluation Dataset
The dataset used for evaluation of the proposed method. It contains images of humans and faces, with pre-annotated bounding boxes for persons and faces. -
Nominal Data
The dataset used for training the inconsistent behaviour predictor of DeepGuard. -
Custom traffic gesture dataset
Custom traffic gesture dataset containing measurements of eight different gestures for 35 participants. -
NuScenes dataset
The dataset used in the paper is the NuScenes dataset, which contains LiDAR point clouds and corresponding semantic annotations. -
KITTI 2012
KITTI 2012 is a real-world dataset in the outdoor scenario, and contains 194 training and 195 testing stereo image pairs with the size of 376 × 1240.