KITTI Odometry
The dataset used in the paper is a large-scale point cloud compression framework, which can organize sparse and un-structured point clouds in a memory-efficient way. -
KITTI Visual Odometry benchmark and Malaga 2013 dataset
The KITTI Visual Odometry benchmark and the Malaga 2013 dataset are used to test the proposed LS-VO architecture. -
iBIMS-1 dataset
The iBIMS-1 dataset used for testing the CodedVO method, containing five zero-shot scenes. -
ICL-NUIM dataset
The ICL-NUIM dataset used for testing the CodedVO method, containing two scenes: (of-krt2) and (lr-krt2). -
UMD-CodedVO dataset
The dataset used for training and testing the CodedVO method, containing three indoor sequences: LivingRoom, DiningRoom, and Corridor. -
PALVIO dataset
The PALVIO dataset is a collection of images and IMU data for panoramic visual odometry, with a FoV of 360◦×(40◦∼120◦) and a negative plane. -
Robotcar Dataset
The dataset used for training and evaluation of the proposed framework for unsupervised metric relocalization. -
Robust Edge-Based Visual Odometry
Robust edge-based visual odometry using machine-learned edges. -
Edge-Direct Visual Odometry
Visual odometry algorithm that efficiently utilizes edge pixels to find the relative pose that minimizes the photometric error between images. -
Are We Ready for Autonomous Driving? The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite
The KITTI Visual Odometry benchmark dataset consists of 22 stereo sequences with ground truth trajectories. -
EuRoC MAV Dataset
A dataset for visual odometry, containing 11 sequences with provided ground-truth poses. -
KITTI Odometry Benchmark
The KITTI odometry dataset is a collection of 22 sequences, containing point clouds, images, and GPS recordings of inner-city traffic, residential areas, highway scenes, and... -
KITTI 2015 dataset
KITTI 2015 dataset contains videos in 200 street scenes captured by RGB cameras, with sparse depth ground truths captured by Velodyne laser scanner. -
NYUv2 dataset
The NYUv2 dataset is a large-scale dataset for 3D object recognition and semantic segmentation. It contains 206 test set video sequences with 135 classes. -
KITTI odometry dataset
The KITTI odometry dataset is a benchmark for evaluating visual odometry and other computer vision tasks. It contains a large collection of images and corresponding ground-truth... -
KITTI 2012
KITTI 2012 is a real-world dataset in the outdoor scenario, and contains 194 training and 195 testing stereo image pairs with the size of 376 × 1240. -
KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite
The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite is a dataset used for object detection and tracking in autonomous vehicles. -
Sintel Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a Sintel dataset, which consists of low-resolution optical flow maps and their corresponding high-resolution RGB images.