Traffic Participants Dataset
The dataset is a real-world dataset for motion prediction in autonomous driving, containing 18-dimensional feature vectors describing the current traffic situation. -
Motion Prediction Dataset
The dataset is a synthetic dataset for motion prediction, and a real-world dataset for motion prediction in autonomous driving. -
MultiXNet: Multiclass Multistage Multimodal Motion Prediction
The proposed approach was evaluated on two large-scale data sets collected on the streets of several cities, where it outperformed the existing state-of-the-art. -
Shifts Vehicle Motion Prediction dataset
The Shifts Vehicle Motion Prediction dataset consists of scenes spanning six locations, three seasons, three times of day, and four weather conditions. -
Lyft Motion Prediction Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is the Lyft Motion Prediction Dataset, which contains samples of real-world driving on a complex, urban route in Palo Alto, California. -
Temporal CVAE for Human Motion Prediction
The dataset is used for online human motion prediction and synthesis for human-robot collaboration. -
A motion and accident prediction benchmark for v2x autonomous driving -
ParkPredict: Motion and Intent Prediction of Vehicles in Parking Lots
A custom CARLA simulator parking lot environment was constructed and used to generate a dataset of human parking maneuvers. -
Waymo Open Motion Dataset
The Waymo Open Motion Dataset is a large-scale dataset for autonomous driving, containing 104,000 20-second frames of driving scenarios marked at 10 Hz.