347 datasets found

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  • Multi-Agent MuJoCo

    A benchmark suite for continuous cooperative multi-agent robotic control.
  • RoAM

    A new indoor human motion dataset for autonomous robots, RoAM is a synchronised and timestamped image-action pair sequence dataset, recorded with a Turtlebot3 Burger robot with...
  • Vision-based Target Pose Estimation with Multiple Markers for the Perching of...

    A vision-based target pose estimation method using multiple markers for high-precision nano drone perching at both wide and close ranges.
  • KITTI dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is the KITTI dataset, which is a benchmark for monocular depth estimation. The dataset consists of a large collection of images and corresponding...
  • CartPole

    The CartPole problem is a classic control problem in robotics and control theory. It is a simple, continuous control problem where a pole is attached to a mass on a cart, and...
  • Jacquard

    A large-scale dataset for robotic grasp detection, containing 54000 images and 1.1 million grasp annotations.
  • BipedalWalkingRobot

    The dataset used for training the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm for bipedal walking.