KITTI odometry benchmark dataset
The KITTI odometry benchmark dataset is used for evaluating computer vision algorithms in autonomous driving scenarios. It contains LiDAR data collected with Velodyne HDL-64E,... -
4Seasons: A Cross-Season Dataset for Multi-Weather SLAM in AD
A cross-season dataset for multi-weather SLAM in autonomous driving, covering seasonal and challenging perceptual conditions. -
Waymo Open Perception
The Waymo Open Perception dataset is a large-scale dataset for autonomous driving perception. -
Risk measurement, risk entropy, and autonomous driving risk modeling
The dataset used in this paper is a risk measurement, risk entropy, and autonomous driving risk modeling dataset. -
Multi-Agent Environment for Autonomous Driving
The dataset used in the research paper is a multi-agent environment for training the car agent, allowing it to learn human behaviors through multimodal sensory data. -
KITTI Odometry
The dataset used in the paper is a large-scale point cloud compression framework, which can organize sparse and un-structured point clouds in a memory-efficient way. -
Jackal Robot Dataset
A real-world stereo dataset collected by robot teleoperation. -
A real-world stereo dataset containing both indoor and outdoor environments via robot teleoperation. -
Traffic Participants Dataset
The dataset is a real-world dataset for motion prediction in autonomous driving, containing 18-dimensional feature vectors describing the current traffic situation. -
Motion Prediction Dataset
The dataset is a synthetic dataset for motion prediction, and a real-world dataset for motion prediction in autonomous driving. -
MultiXNet: Multiclass Multistage Multimodal Motion Prediction
The proposed approach was evaluated on two large-scale data sets collected on the streets of several cities, where it outperformed the existing state-of-the-art. -
GoalNet: Goal Areas Oriented Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
Predicting the future trajectories of pedestrians on the road is an important task for autonomous driving. The pedestrian trajectory prediction is affected by scene paths,... -
AmodalSynthDrive is a synthetic multi-task multi-modal amodal perception dataset for autonomous driving. It provides multi-view camera images, 3D bounding boxes, LiDAR data, and... -
AADS: Augmented autonomous driving simulation using data-driven algorithms
AADS: Augmented autonomous driving simulation using data-driven algorithms. -
PerMO: Perceiving More at Once from a Single Image for Autonomous Driving
A novel approach to detect, segment, and reconstruct complete textured 3D models of vehicles from a single image for autonomous driving. -
highD dataset
The highD dataset is a real-world high-definition video dataset of naturalistic vehicle trajectories on German highways. -
Deep Multi-Sensor Lane Detection
The dataset is used for lane detection in highway and city scenes. -
NVRadarNet: Real-Time Radar Obstacle and Free Space Detection for Autonomous Driving