Mingling robots
The dataset of a real-life collective motion scenario of a mingling robots swarm. -
Cross-Scale Dataset
The cross-scale dataset is built from the Scott Reef 25 dataset (2009) provided by Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR). The dataset contains 1000 data tuples to split... -
PartNet and ShapeNetSem datasets
The dataset used in the paper for composable part-based manipulation (CPM) task. -
MobileDepth: Efficient Monocular Depth Prediction on Mobile Devices
Depth prediction is fundamental for many useful applications on computer vision and robotic systems. On mobile phones, the performance of some useful applications as augmented... -
A 4D radar-centric multi-modal dataset for localization and mapping, covering structured, unstructured, and semi-structured environments, with low- and fast-speeds. -
Warehouse Robot Planning
The dataset used in the paper is a Markov decision process (MDP) model of a robotic mission plan, which includes a set of states, actions, transitions, and labels. -
Kuka Object Manipulation Datasets
The dataset is used for training and testing the Equivariant Diffuser for Generating Interactions (EDGI) algorithm. -
Navigation and Manipulation Datasets
The dataset is used for training and testing the Equivariant Diffuser for Generating Interactions (EDGI) algorithm. -
Robomimic Environment
Robomimic environment consists of tasks such as lift, can, square, tool-hang, and transport. -
D4RL Benchmark Suite
D4RL benchmark suite consists of tasks such as locomotion, antmaze, adroit, and kitchen. -
Action-Quantized Offline Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Skill Learning
Offline reinforcement learning (RL) paradigm provides a general recipe to convert static behavior datasets into policies that can perform better than the policy that collected... -
Deep Compositional Robotic Planners
A dataset for training a compositional hierarchical recurrent network to follow natural language commands in continuous environments. -
Quadrotor Disturbance Dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of disturbance data for a quadrotor drone, with 10,000 samples at 100 Hz.